
Friday, 28 March 2014

Selfies go selfless

Without wishing to sound too PR about it, the power of social media has been illustrated yet again with the huge success of the #nomakeupselfie which has raised £8m to date for Cancer Research.

Its exact origin isn’t entirely clear but in the UK it’s being attributed to teenage mum, Fiona Cunningham. The campaign quickly snowballed after she set up a Facebook page and selfies were soon popping up across a variety of social media channels. Celebrities have also jumped on the bandwagon, helping to raise even more awareness and spread the message across the world. A truly viral campaign which has had real impact - stuff of dreams for us PRs.

Its simplicity is perhaps the underlying reason why it’s been so successful. Most people have smart phones and selfies have firmly cemented themselves in popular culture. It also ticks a box for our own brand of CSR, giving us a warm fuzzy feeling while also letting the world know we’re supporting a cause. However, as seems to be par for the course nowadays, with any online/social media phenomenon, it’s not been without its critics.

Ranging from people attacking Coronation Street actress Michelle Keegan for using it as a form of self promotion and claiming she wasn't actually makeup free, to some questioning the point of just posting a photo without actually making a donation.  There was also the confusion surrounding which word you had to text to make a donation which resulted in some money going to different charities.

Surely though, when it’s raised enough money in the UK alone to fund ten clinical trials, the winner here is the fight against cancer and isn’t that the point? I’ve also seen people posting pictures of how to check your breasts and if that helps just one woman make an early diagnosis which might help save her life, it’s a success in my book.

Bethan Simkins
Account Director

Friday, 21 March 2014

Today’s lesson: ditch the marketing jargon

Image: Sourced from Oxford University

“So what is it that you do?”
“Public Relations”
“So what is it that you do?”

This morning I was reminded how liberating it is to get back to brass tacks.

A first meeting with a local businessman began with the kind of tumbleweed moment that rolls through your mind for an instant; how have I found myself in a meeting with someone who doesn’t seem to know why I’m here?

So I explained myself quickly, succinctly, with absolutely no jargon, mindful that I had a matter of seconds before Judgement Day would dawn and I’d be in with a chance of winning Sport Relief’s fastest ‘walk-in-and-out-of-a-sales-meeting’ mile.

No mention of audiences, engagement or content strategies.
“Well, every business has customer groups they want to reach, and we use our communication skills to help figure out the right messages and the best way to get them out there.”

“OK.” I get a nod; a green light to continue.

“But it helps if we know which parts of your business are the most profitable; the areas where you believe you could achieve even more, if only, dot dot dot. We can tell you a bit about how we’ve done that for others, and see whether there’s something we can help you with.”

We went on to have a very positive and enjoyable meeting, discussing some of the many challenges his successful and long-standing business faces in the dynamics of a changing market.

I learned lots about a great company, but this morning also taught me:

  1. Keep it simple - It shouldn’t matter whether we’re meeting a marketing director with decades of experience and an MBA in Marketing Jargon, or the managing director of a business that’s earned its reputation without ever asking about audience segmentation, brand essence, OTH or TGI (it’s a restaurant chain, right?). Be clear. We’re communicators.
  2. Get straight to the point - We will only stay in business if we make a difference to our clients’ success. That’s the bottom line (whether you’re looking above-the-line, below-the-line or in a wiggly-right-through-the-middle-of-the-line).
  3. Ask more than you tell - Other people’s businesses are fascinating. Asking questions and sharing common experiences makes for a more interesting and productive encounter than just telling someone all about yourself.

So, we’ll see where simplicity takes us…

Sarah Bryars
Chief Executive

Friday, 14 March 2014

Gold Cup: One PR's relations with the public


Cheltenham Gold Cup Festival: Are we going to the races...or going to the dogs?
Last year’s Gold Cup Festival broke attendance records, with 235,125 race-goers descending on our town over the four days. Good fun I’m sure was had by all who attended and many in the town (mainly the bars of course) were all the more prosperous for their visit.
However, for this Cheltenham resident, all the hordes brought with them was misery and mess, evidently leaving their manners behind wherever they had come from.  It’s this memory that made me look forward to Gold Cup 2014 about as much as being hit by a bus, and saw me making plans to escape for the duration of the week that Cheltenham actually goes to the dogs rather than the races.
Yet my best laid plans didn’t quite come off, so I’ve found myself here, staying put at home near the train station, the first and last stop (or more likely pint) for thousands of race-goers.
But I’ve been pleasantly surprised. Cheltenham race-goers have improved their public relations, in the most literal sense.
Last year we saw many pavement pizzas, quite a few fights and a ridiculous amount of aggressive behaviour when trying to stop men-old-enough-to-know-better from doing unmentionables on our street and neighbours’ doorsteps.
This year, people have been really friendly, even apologetic for crowding the top of our road where there’s a rather popular race-day pub. And this time, when my partner was stopped on his way home from work to be asked directions to a particular watering hole, rather than being sworn at like last year, he was invited for a pint of the black stuff.
It seems to me that 2014’s race-goers have been of a much happier and friendlier disposition. Even #Cheltenham tweeters have been on good form.
 So my first hand experience of this annual event has been much improved and made me think twice about reaching for next year’s holiday forms already in a panic.
Cheltenham Gold Cup 2014 should be proud; its visitors have earned it some good PR just through good old human interaction.
 Rachel Meagher
Account Director

Friday, 7 March 2014

Girl power!

It’s International Women’s Day tomorrow (8 March), which prompted my thinking into girl power; less Spice Girls, more women in PR.

Our industry of PR is actually dominated by women. Last year’s PRCA census revealed the gender split as 63% women 37% men, a stat that’s reflected in our team - with our chairman Colin holding the enviable (or unenviable position) as the only male member! Our current recruitment drive has echoed this discrepancy, with the majority of applicants applying for an account executive position being female.

So why this bias?  Is it because women are, on the whole, better communicators – as we are more discussion oriented?  Or is it thanks to our multi-tasking and time management skills?  Or is it because we are more sensitive? I’m not so sure. 

When I studied for a degree in PR (at Leeds Metropolitan University), admittedly it was a while ago, the course was mostly men.  And if I can cast my mind back that far, I don’t remember them struggling with presentations or meeting deadlines, and indeed most have now gone on to hold senior positions. 

Which rather annoyingly seems to be where the inequality lies – most senior roles within agencies and in-house teams are still more likely to be held by men.  The PRCA census reported a 2:1 ratio of men to women in board positions.  Our board contradicts this ratio, (although our most senior figure is male) but I can see that we are a minority, when I look at some of our clients or fellow agencies. 

Many would argue that the lack of female representation in senior management is partly due to the fact that women still tend to be the key child carers and take career breaks as they start to have children. As a result, they either leave the profession or aren’t able to make continued development.  I’m in no doubt that this can be a factor, but in today’s world it certainly shouldn’t be a barrier. 

Sadly, it’s not just inequality at senior levels either.  The CIPR’s ‘State of the Profession’  survey (published February 2014) also revealed an average gender pay gap of over £12,000 in favour of men.  The results also exposed that from Account Manager/Press Officer level and above – men, on average, are being paid more than women, even when doing the same job.

So, perhaps as an industry we should take note of Sweden’s extensive welfare system which makes it easier for both sexes to balance work and family life.  The country ranks as one of the most gender-egalitarian countries, based on a firm belief that men and women should share power and influence equally.  How refreshing!

Sam Kandiyali

(Image used from