
Friday, 1 March 2013

Beauty – is it really skin deep?

It seems our quest for eternal youth is stronger than ever.  Or maybe I’ve been content to bury my (frown-lined) head in the sand, avoiding the needle, in the hope that the ageing process will just pass me by.

If this week’s Professional Beauty event (targeting the beauty trade) is an indicator of the shape of things to come – then aesthetic cosmetics is what it’s about.

Nearly half the show was taken up with exhibitors from this field, offering a variety of invasive and non-invasive options to plump, de-line, fill and smooth skin.  ‘New’ procedures offering alternatives to Botox and dermal fillers claim similar results without the rigours of specially qualified administration.

And so it seems that it’s less about miracle creams and more about procedures that provide dramatic results – which was clearly evident among a number of the visitors.  At lunch I sat next to a line free lady who talked me through the benefits of Botox and certainly looked a decade or so younger than me, so perhaps when she introduced me to her 20-something-year-old daughter I shouldn’t have been so surprised.

With such dramatic visible results some would argue PR for this industry should be an easy task – but many (like me) still remain cautious, perhaps a little squeamish and unwilling to part with their hard earned cash – so there’s still some convincing to be done.  But then again, never say never.

Samantha Kandiyali